Saturday, November 29, 2008

Weight loss can be achieved by anyone

Have you ever felt so self conscious about your weight you don't want to leave the house because of embarrassment? I know how you feel. For me being overweight was a life sentence. When I was younger I was chubby, then I was big boned, and when I got to middle school I found out I was the fat kid. It changed my life. I never went on a date in High School and it wasn't until I lost a few pounds in college that I felt confident enough to try it. After graduating I started working full time. Suddenly I didn't have any time to eat healthy or go to the gym and in a year I gained back all the weight that I lost. I was alone again and I stopped going out. I just felt miserable. 

Then it happened. I was at the doctor's office one day and for a check up and for the first time in over a year I stepped on the scale. I was 210 lbs. I'd passed the 200 lbs mark by ten pounds! That wasn't even the worst news. Soon after my doctor took my blood pressure and it 180/120. She said that I really had to lose weight even if it was just a few pounds. I started buying diet pills but they didn't work and made me too jittery. I also bought some fancy exercise equipment to sculpt my abs only to get confused and hurt myself on it. I tried Atkins and felt terrible. I was constipated, I had headaches, and I still wasn't losing weight. I also tried a low fat diet, but I was hungry all the time and in nearly four weeks I had only lost 1 pound. I tried every fad diet and bought every book and I just got more and more confused. Should I eat low fat, or cut out sugars?

Actually I didn't find the Truth about Abs diet and if I had I probably wouldn't have tried it. I wasn't worried about a six pack I needed to lose over 50 lbs just to be healthy. My best friend found it right after I had sworn off all diets and just decided to be miserable for the rest of my life. At first I refused to try it. I figured that it would be just like any other diet and I wouldn't lose any weight on this one either. This diet couldn't be any different.

I was still skeptical but right away I could see why my friend liked this program. Unlike all the other products that I had bought this one said on the first page that supplements and fancy exercise equipment weren't going to make you lose weight. Only eating healthy and exercising are were going to make you drop the pounds but knowing and doing are very different things. You may know that you need to eat healthier but when you're picking things out at the grocery store you might not know what to buy. Still wary I agreed to try it out.

I liked this program because everything is spelled out for you. You don't have to be a fitness expert or a nutritionist to follow this program. Everything is explained to you and anyone can follow the program. It's built for you to start exercising from any level even if you've never worked out in your life. It's like having a personal fitness coach guide you. You just read the steps, follow the diet, do the exercises and start losing weight. 

Very simple but there is one thing that I want to warn you about. There is a hard part to this program and that hard part is sticking to it. Some days I didn't feel like exercising or going making myself a healthy dinner. I was sliding back into my old habits again. Now we all get tempted and fall off the wagon sometimes but the key is to keep trying! There are tools to help motivate you too, you just have to reach out and take it. If you don't participate they can't help you. 

Give it a chance and let me know what you think. Love it? Hate it? I want to know. Please post your comments below.

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